Abidexin Review: Side Effects, Claims, Ingredients

After a bit of digging we discovered that Abidexin is made by NutriPharm, LLC in the US who appear to own a number of other diet pills. Some of these we have reviewed previously and include; Fexotropin (now discontinued), Appexit (also discontinued), Slimrexin and Metabosyn.

The first thing that strikes you is that it all looks a bit familiar, right down to the name and the type face used on the website and then it hits you. It is identical to Apidexin a better-known diet pill that has been on the market for the last few years. 

 Abidexin Concerns
What Does Abidexin Claim To Do?
What Are The Ingredients For Abidexin?
Does Abidexin Have Any Side Effects?
Does Abidexin Work?
Where Can I Buy Abidexin? Read here: http://goo.gl/g6Wndd

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